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Marcelo D’Agostino is the Senior Advisor for Information Systems and Digital Health at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization. Is a member of the WHO Global Digital Health Advisory Board, the Digital Health COVID-19 Board of the Inter American Development Bank (IDB), and the COVID-19 Simulator of the Harvard medical School and the Georgia tech Institute. Is a System Analyst from Argentina, with a Master’s degree in Information and Knowledge Management from Spain, with postgraduate and specialization courses on: Digital Diplomacy, Designing e-Learning for Health, Global Diplomacy in the Modern World, Global Health Policy, and The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, trans disciplinary vision for the future. He has authored or co-authored online courses on eHealth and Information Sciences, blog posts, several papers on Digital Health, eHealth, mHealth, Information Managements and related areas, and his own Theory about Information. Since 2008 Marcelo D’Agostino has held different managerial positions such as Senior Advisor for Knowledge Management, Director for Knowledge Management and Communications, and Director of Knowledge Management, Bioethics and Research at PAHO. Previously, Marcelo D’Agostino worked at the Pan American Center for Zoonosis, Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 and in 2002, Marcelo worked in the Latin American Center for Health Science Information based in San Pablo, Brazil.

Contributions to the international community 

Marcelo D’Agostino provided international support and on-site collaboration in all the countries of the Americas, except for the French Guyana, and led the development and approval of three Regional Strategies for the Americas that are endorsed by all Ministries of Health in the Region: 2011: Strategy and Plan of Action for eHealth, 2012: Strategy and Plan of Action for Information and Knowledge Management and 2019: Strategy and Plan of Action for the Strengthening of Information Systems for Health in the Americas. He gave, and continues to give, technical cooperation to other regions of the world, having also carried out missions in the field of digital health and information systems in Europe and Africa.

Contributions to Health Sciences Informatics 

Marcelo D’Agostino led the development and put into action an ehealth/mhealth framework that laid the foundations for the world’s first regional eHealth strategy, thus establishing the bases for the development of networks, projects and initiatives in this area. It has established robust collaboration networks that have allowed the expansion and scalability of medical informatics projects on a continental level. He recently led and implemented a renewed framework for action for information systems for health and is currently leading the development and implementation of 2 frameworks: 1) Artificial Intelligence in Public Health for the Americas, and 2) Digital Transformation of the Health Sector.

12 thoughts on “About

  1. Marcelo

    Parabens. Fico muito feliz em ve-lo progredindo e em saber que seus objetivos em relação à saúde pública estão sendo atingindo. Continue assim.
    Um grande abraço.
    De seu amigo


  2. Hola tio!!!
    somos dany, ro y naty y estamos aca en la casa de la abuela y me llego el mail de tu blog y aca estamos, dejandote un comentario!!!!
    La abuela se esta haciendo las manos.
    Muy lindo tu blog pero no entiendo de que se trata..
    un beso enorme
    te quiero muchisimo, te queremos muchisimo
    dany, ro, naty y dade/bubu/abu


  3. Hola Marcelo

    Soy residente de segundo año de Informática Médica en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. El 27 de julio a las 14:30 hora Argentina deseo presentar en nuestra actividad académica central (Ateneo) el libro: “El ePaciente y las redes sociales”. Nosotros contamos con una plataforma virtual a través de la cual se puede hacer telecolaboración con audio, voz, chat y eventualmente video: http://www.elluminate.com/

    Me gustaría invitarte para que nos hicieras tus comentarios sobre ePaciente y colaborarnos resolviendo inquietudes que puedan surgir cuando presente esta obra. También invitaré a Alain Ochoa. Ahora bien, si eventualmente no puedes asistir, te agradecería algún autor de la pléyade que aparece en el libro para que participe.

    Quedo atento y agradecido por tu atención y respuesta.

    Jorge Vargas


    • Hola Jorge, muchas gracias por tu email. Con mucho gusto acepto pero creo que son los autores los que deben ser privilegiados con cualquier presentacion de este libro. Yo humildemente he contribuido con el prologo y eso fue un orgullo. De cualquier forma con gusto me puedo conectar y compartir con ustedes la vision de la OPS/OMS sobre estos temas de eSalud y como vamos camino a una estrategia regional de eSalud en la region de las americas y les puedo profundizar en los aspectos del prologo. Si te parece bien podes escribirme a mi email oficial que es dagostim@paho.org

      Un abrazo y gracias por esta invitacion.


  4. Marcelo lo felicito tiene un CV espectacular, con mucha experiencia y conocimiento. Gracias por todos los aporte en pro de la salud a beneficio de todos los pueblos. Muy impresionante su trayectoria en OPS/OMS Felicitaciones


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